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M23 J8-10 smart motorway

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M23 SMP Works Bulletin

Please find the roadworks bulletin for works on the SMP M23 from Friday 6 to Monday 9 March inclusive  M23 junctions 8 - 10, Surrey: Smart Motorways 56 Hour Closure

Friday 6 March to Monday 9 March (incl) - 21:00pm to 05:00am

Full closure from J8 to J10 Southbound and all associated slip roads from the M25

Diversion to Brighton via J6 M25, A22, B2028, A264 Copthorne road and join at J10 M23

Diversion for Gatwick, traffic continues on A2011 Crawley Avenue, A23 London Road, Airport Way and into the terminals.

Please Note: Full closure of the Gatwick Spur between 21:00pm to 05:00am on Friday 6, Saturday 7 and Sunday 8 March. The Gatwick Spur will remain open during the day.

Works Information

From J8 to J10 Southbound, we are undertaking road reconstruction, cross carriageway drainage, concrete barrier installation in the central reserve and major maintenance activities along the network including litter picking.

Please note: all works are weather dependant and may be postponed at short notice

Narrow lanes and a reduced speed limit of 50mph north & southbound 24/7

Free recovery service and speed enforcement are in place to ensure drivers and road workers safety.


Due to the increase work activity at the moment we will be sending out a further update on Monday 9 March for the coming week

Posted on 6th March 2020

by M23 Communications Team