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M23 J8-10 smart motorway

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Weekly Closure Update on SMP M23

Weekly Closure Update on SMP M23

Monday 8 July – 20:00pm to 05:00am

Lane closure leading to a full closure of J9 exit slip Northbound

Diversion for Gatwick, M23 J10, A2011 Crawley Avenue, A23 London Road, Airport Way Diversion if traffic miss the above diversion is to M25 J8 and back to M23 J10 to pick up 1st diversion route

Monday 8 July – 20:00pm to 05:00am

Lane closure leading to a full closure of J9 exit slip Southbound + closure of the South side of J9 roundabout to full closure of the Westbound Spur

Diversion for Gatwick to J10 M23, A2011 Crawley Avenue, A23 London Road, Airport Way

Tuesday 9 July – 20:00pm to 05:00am

Lane closure leading to a full closure of J9 exit slip Northbound

Diversion for Gatwick, M23 J10, A2011 Crawley Avenue, A23 London Road, Airport Way

Diversion if traffic miss the above diversion is to M25 J8 and back to M23 J10 to pick up 1st diversion route

Tuesday 9 July – 20:00pm to 05:00am

Lane closure leading to a full closure of J9 exit slip Southbound + closure of the South side of J9 roundabout to full closure of the Westbound Spur

Diversion for Gatwick to M23 J10, A2011 Crawley Avenue, A23 London Road, Airport Way

Wednesday 10 July – 20:00pm to 05:00am

Lane closure leading to a full closure of J9 exit slip Northbound

Diversion for Gatwick, M23 J10, A2011 Crawley Avenue, A23 London Road, Airport Way

Diversion if traffic miss the above diversion is to M25 J8 and back to M23 J10 to pick up 1st diversion through Crawley

Wednesday 10 July – 20:00pm to 05:00am

Lane closure leading to a full closure of J9 exit slip Southbound + closure of the South side of J9 roundabout to full closure of the Westbound Spur

Diversion for Gatwick to M23 J10, A2011 Crawley Avenue, A23 London Road, Airport Way

Saturday 13 July – 20:00pm to 05:00am

Lane closure leading to a full closure of J9 exit slip Northbound

Diversion for Gatwick to M23 J10, A2011 Crawley Avenue, A23 London Road, Airport Way

Diversion if traffic miss the 1st is to M25 J8 and back to M23 J10 and pick up 1st diversion

Saturday 13 July – 20:00pm to 05:00am

Lane closure leading to a full closure of J9 exit slip Southbound + closure of the South side of J9 roundabout to full closure of the Westbound Spur

Diversion for Gatwick to M23 J10, A2011 Crawley Avenue, A23 London Road, Airport Way

Sunday 14 July – 20:00pm to 05:00am

Lane closure leading to a full closure of J9 exit slip Northbound

Diversion for Gatwick M23 J10 to A2011 Crawley Avenue, A23 London Road, Airport Way

Diversion if traffic miss the 1st is to M25 J8 and back to M23 J10 and pick up 1st diversion

Sunday 14 July – 20:00pm to 05:00am

Lane closure leading to a full closure of J9 exit slip Southbound + closure of the South side of J9 roundabout to full closure of the Westbound Spur

Diversion for Gatwick to M23 J10, A2011 Crawley Avenue, A23 London Road, Airport Way

For further information contact: Carolyne Ferguson, Senior Stakeholder and Customer Liaison Manager at or

Posted on 8th July 2019

by Communictions Team M23 SMP